Yale(イェール)大学のSchool of Management(MBA)に留学中の、元無職人が綴る日常のあれこれ。NPOを含むSocialセクターがより大きなインパクトを社会に創出できるようになって欲しくて、米国ではNPO Management やSocial Entrepreneur を主に学ぶ予定。米国でNPOかSocial Ventureの立ち上げに関与できないか目論見中。2014年度フルブライト奨学生で2016年卒業予定。現在、月に一回のペースでメルマガ配信中(http://goo.gl/RgZePR)。
Review of the 32nd Day
My schedule is fully packed now. As I cannot increase the working time any longer, I need to improve the efficiency of my current time schedule. How? I have some ideas but before jumping into the solution, i need to analyze my situation and need to answer some questions such as how have i spent my time? how is the structure of my time spent in a week and so on.....
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