
Review of the 26th Day

I have developed some ideas for my business but need to have more ideas. I need the characteristics of good ideas and sort my current ideas into some categories. Anyway, I need to go through the readings for tomorrow. I will skip the today's online video today so, will put a video that I watched during the class. 

Drew Dudley: Everyday leadership


Review of the 25th Day

Today we purchased a roll of paper for calligraphy and a block of clay. For two hours of struggle with our son, we got our son's handprint and footprints using the paper and the clay. It was not at all easy for us to collaborate with just a 2 week dude but thanks to his patience, we made it. For his age, I think he is strong and big. although his voice does not sound loud compared to his size. I am thinking of sending to my grandmother one of the sheets with his handprint and footprint on them. Look forward to comparing his hands and feet in two years when we will leave New Haven for our country.

Today's seminar: Laura Trice: Remember to say thank you


Review of the 24th Day

I am surprised how fast my son has been growing. He now can grab slowly-moving objects and follow our movements with his eyes. He is still two weeks old! I am surprised. Also he is physically growing too. Unfortunately, he seems to have inherited my traits, which means he will have a huge face- I think I should say head instead of the word face. Hope he will be smart... Anyway, it is good for us to see him grow every day and stay health. His crying is getting louder day by day and its frequency is also increasing. So he sometimes makes us nervous because we do not really know what to do to help him feel better, but at least I can say that as he is growing, we are also improving ourselves to be good parents. We will be with the little dude no matter what happens. So, I wish he would behave very well while I am changing his diaper....please.




  • 反省点
    • 予定していたTo Doの足切り時間の設定が甘く、かつ、切替ができてなかった
    • スケジュールにそった行動から逸れた行動をした
  • 対策
    • 時間が来たら終わってなくても次の仕事に移る(クセにする、思考停止してトライ)
    • やらないことによるリスクを明確化する
  • 良かった点
    • 集中し生産性が高かった
  • 強化方法
    • 眠りを確保する、できない場合はパワーナップとカフェインで対応する


Review of the 23rd Day

Basically, there is no class on Fridays but for the first couple of months, we have lecture on career hunting- how to create a strong resume, how to give good impression in the interview, how to improve a small talk etc...

Frankly, I am not into these types of lectures firstly not only because some of the lectures are obvious, but because I do not find a job here. It does not seem to me that those know-hows are substantial and genuine. However I need to and should learn something from them. So next Friday, I will write the findings during the lecture in this blog.

Today's Seminar: Try something new for 30 days (TED)














One minutes meditation

過去に週に1~2回くらいのペースでやってみたものの、もう大分習慣から遠ざかってしまってたから、これをきっかけに再開しようかなと。久々にやったらすごくスッキリしたし、なにより、動画の中の赤ちゃんとのやりとりに共感してしまった笑 実際にはそんなことできるのだろうかという気もするけど、意図するところはよくわかる。


  • 空き時間のスケジューリングができてなかったために時間の使い方が非効率的だった
  • 帰宅後に気の抜けた状態になったため、生産性が低かった

Review of the 22nd Day

Technically the week is over. We do not have classes tomorrow. Things is getting better day by day and I feel myself becoming more open.

Well today I had three classes, statistics, leadership and problem framing. in the problem framing class, the professor referred to anchoring effect as well as reference point. Both of them are familiar to me in the book "Thinking Fast and Slow."So it was not that new to me but still the lecture was helpful encouraging me to think how I can make good decisions going forward. On the separate note, I found "Great job!! in the assignment I had submitted to the professor before. It made me feel nice.

In the leadership class, the professor unexpectedly recommend us to have meditation on daily basis even for a very short time. Since I know the effect of meditation, I sometimes did it but what I did not imagine was that she showed a short video on it and that we actually did a short meditation in the class. I now feel like doing meditation again as I used to do.

One minutes meditation

Today's Seminar
Less is More: How to Use Simple Rules for Better Results
  1. Strategy over time
    1. real-time
    2. short-term
    3. long-term
This is about the method for decision making in real-time. Agenda and simple comments for it.
  1. How do you make a fast decision
    1. Limit participation
    2. cut back on analysis and look at fewer alternatives
  2. But
    1. how decision makers overcome anxiety?
    2. how do decision makers make smart decisions?
  3. Making fast decision
    1. Speed myths
      1. less information
      2. fewer experts
      3. limit analysis
    2. Best practice
      1. successful fast decision makers use more not less, information organizations
      2. but that real-time information focused on internal operations and external makers
    3. Why?
      1. speeds issue identification
        1. see the timely information "what happening right now"
      2. builds intuition
        1. like playing a video game
      3. improves teamwork necessary to act quickly
        1. team role
  4. multiple alternatives
    1. Speed myths
      1. avoid lots of alternatives
      2. quickly pick an alternative analyze it and go
    2. Best practice
      1. successful fast decision makers consider more, not fewer, alternatives
      2. those alternatives are considered simultaneously, not sequentially
        1. like a car shopping. you can compare!
    3. Why?
      1. alternatives are hard to analyze in isolation
      2. reduces escalation of commitment to any one alternative
        1. you can avoid polarization
      3. creates a fallback position
        1. you can quickly shift to another choice
  5. Two-Tier Advice
    1. Speed myths
      1. centralized power
      2. limit participation
    2. Best practice
      1. seek counsel widely
      2. but have one or two experienced "counselors"
        1. older, experienced
        2. 10 to 20 years older than the team
    3. Why?
      1. get a broad range of ideas
      2. counselors are particularly quick, high quality and trustworthy
        1. trust the idea
      3. counselors provide confidence- not their first rodeo
  6. Consensus w/ qualification
    1. Speed myths
      1. reduce conflict
      2. don't worry about needing to resolve conflict. just decide
    2. Best practice
      1. try for consensus
      2. but if consensus doesn't happen, then have a way to make the call
    3. Why?
      1. copes directly with the conflict inherent in most important decisions
      2. it avoids waiting for outside events to force a decision
        1. slow decision makers wait for the deadline to come
        2. on the contrary, you should expedite the process
      3. it's popular
  7. Decision Integration
    1. Speed myths
      1. start with a blank slate
      2. take decisions one at a time
    2. Best practice
      1. integrate current decision with past and future ones
      2. tie into tactics like budgets
      3. have a worst case backup
    3. Why?
      1. speeds analysis of alternatives
        1. start to see strength and weakness on a focal point
      2. creates concrete understanding of the decision
      3. builds a sense of competence and control that the decision will be successful
  8. why is this process fast
    1. accelerates thinking- cognitive
    2. keeps team satisfied- political
    3. creates confidence to act- emotional
  9. Why does speed matter?
    1. more learning with more decisions
    2. capture opportunities sooner, faster and better than rivals
    3. you have to keep up with the train

Review of the 21st Day

Finally i have caught up with the schedule!

I did not know much about the opportunities that Yale SOM would provide for students but without no exaggeration, they are abundant, even too abundant. Almost everyday some events are hold here including speakers, seminars and career events. So I see my classmates suited up and preparing for the session with employees from prestigious companies. Awesome. Since I intend to launch my own organization, I have not attended any of them yet but am now so intrigued by those career events. I may join some of them to gather information to have some pictures about their business model.

Oh, my son just started to cry! Well this is not a easy part but seeing him sleeping peacefully makes it all worth it.

Today's TED:
I did not know TED also covers these kinds topic. Funny. lol










このところ、睡眠時間を削って生活をしているものの、やっぱり眠らないとダメだなと。Yale School of Medicine で開催していた眠りに関するセミナーでも、人によるとはいえ、7時間以上は睡眠を取った方がいいと。




Review of the 20th Day

It was very tough today. Since I was too sleepy, I barely keep my eyes open during the classes although I thought them very interesting!!

Anyway, at last, I have gotten back to normal track! Finished my assignment and all I will do is to sleep. Well I must read the text for the class but I chose not to because it won't come to my brain. Due to the chronic sleeplessness, my brain is not working now and my priority is to recover its function. I will get up early tomorrow, do some exercise and do some readings before class. I think I can manage my time!!



New Havenの朝は寒い、既に。一日の気温の日較差が大きいから、昼頃にはちょうど良い気温になるものの、朝や夜は冷える。寒さが苦手だとここはきつそう。自分は大の苦手だからすごく大変そうだなーと思いつつ、未体験の寒さゾーンを楽しみたくもある。Alumniによれば、かき氷を急いで食べたときのような、きーんとする頭痛を感じる事があるらしい。




Review of the 19th Day

I feel that I have been wasting of my time. I think I can make strategic and effective use of my time. Since my son came to my life, every day has been amazing. He truly fill me with happiness. I have learned lots of things already and he has developed a sense of responsibility in me and been changing the way of my thinking and feeling. It is awesome. I totally forgot what I should have done at school and during the time scheduled for preparation for school. This is not a good way of myself using my time as person and father. I am responsible not only for my son but also for myself as fulbrighter and somer. There is every reason for not doing one's duty so I must stay willed and focused on my goal. I would get to nowhere if I do not change now. What should be the first step? Tracking my time usage and evaluating the output during the time.

Anyway, today's TED.

Cameron Russell: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model.

Review of the 18th Day

Time flies.

Since my English level, especially speaking, is not enough for the life at SOM, I feel the necessity to develop it immediately. I consulted with some people about my situation and received some pieces of advice-

  1. Read a short article I am interested in and find at least 5 words I like whether or not I know. Then, associate the words with similar words and phrases. Lastly, use them in the daily conversation or in the writing.
  2. Do the shadowing of presentations such as TED and the radios such as national public radio and Bloomberg radio.Explain their contents in English succinctly.
  3. Collect words and vocabularies based on some topics such as people, hobbies and food etc... so that those words can be applied to the daily life.
I will follow them. So as a first step, I watched the following video from TED, "Avi Reichental: What’s next in 3D printing"

To sum up, the presentation is about how 3D printer will change the future and why, with some examples in a space industry, a fashion industry and so on. He argues that it will enable us to produce personalized products like artificial legs perfectly fit to the users or to cook creative but substantial foods, because the 3D printer can create anything without any limitations in complexity. He said that this characteristics will allow us, particularly young generations, to develop various types of manufactures with creative minds.




で、これをどうしたものかと。ひとまず、専門家の判断を仰ぐべく、Yale SOM/CLS Communication Centerに相談。

  1. International Studentに対する第2外国語の習得支援サービス
  2. Native/ International Studentに対するビジネスライティングスキル向上サービス
  3. Native/ International Studentに対するプレゼンテーションスキル向上サービス



Review of the 17th Day

I unconsciously fell asleep last night. it is very fulfilling to take care of my new born son and prepare for the classes but at the same time time and energy consuming. Need to figure out how to manage.

Since there less that 90 weeks left, I must be strategic in using my time. I know what I want to know but am not sure exactly how much free time I have. Also I should asses how much time it will take to do what I want to do for the next 90 weeks.







Review of the 15th Day

I have been tied up recently. I will get my schedule back to normal so that I can better prepare for the class. I have read any of the prereadings this week. It cannot be helped so will survive tomorrow. One day to go!!

- Great gifts from my awesome team mates
- Nice present from a cake shop in from of our apartment


Review of the 14th Day

I need to sleep before 3:00 am Think this week is extra tough. One more assignment!!!!! Actually
I learned interesting things in today's classes so will write down the key words to remember. Will get back to here and elaborate more on them, perhaps.

average decision making
average forecast vs professional estimate











なお、Yale University全体で図書館は複数あり、とてもキレイ。とくにSterling Memorial Libraryは格調高くて素敵。残念ながら在校生しか入れないので、そのうちネットに写真をあげようかなと。

Review of the 13th Day

Today I attend the seminar about "How to Deliver a Persuasive Business Presentation." The seminar focused on how to create good slides for the business presentation, using the presentation created by McKinsey.

According to the seminar, business presentation is structured by the following components;

  • Situation
    • Current business environment
  • Complication
    • Base case, what will happen in the future
  • Resolution
    • Prioritization -> Recommendation and why
It also mentioned that the clear purpose for the presentation and the reasons for the claim/ suggestion is essential. 

Not only the overall structure, but the detailed slide structure was explained. Well, that sounded very basic to me. 
  • Slide structure
    • key message is put in the title so that it will generate why question.
    • facts and figures are put in the body.....etc
Personally, I prefer the creative and communication based presentation based on Prezi or Zen so I was a bit disappointed at the seminar mainly on how to prepare the business presentation slides. However, today's seminar would be very fruitful and informative to those unfamiliar with it.


Review of the 11th and 12th Day

He cries a lot and does not let me sleep. As the preparation for the classes tomorrow, I need to complete three assignments. It is quite challenging as now it is around 1 am. Think this is a great opportunity for me to stretch and get out of my comfort zone. Try.


Review of the 10th Day

It's too late to write about the 10th day as now it's 11th, but I do not care. September 12th 2014 is the most important day to my wife and me- the day our first son and child came to our life.




出産は奥さんのプライベートでもあるので省くにせよ、女性の生命力を驚くほど感じたし、いざというときの己の至らなさにも目が…苦笑 でも、出産後にはそんなこと直ぐ忘れて、新しく生まれた子供の中に生きようとする本能的を見、彼が生きるために必要なサポートをするんだ、といつの間にか感じてた。なので、至らなさを思い出したのはこのブログで振り返ったせいとも言える。











  • 時間を増やす(使う時間)
  • 時間効率を高める(時間の使い方)
  • アウトプットの質を下げる(課題の質)
  • やることを絞る(課題の量)
アイゼンハウアーの「Plans are nothing, planning is everything」の言葉を信じて、取り敢えずはプロブレムフレーミングの授業の内容を活用して、色んな立場から今後の状況を分析して、抜け漏れを把握しよう。



Review of the 9th Day

It was a very good day for me today. Thanks to the coffee I brought with me, my brain was always alert and I did not feel sleepy. So, I focused on the classes and had better understanding from them.

I had three classes today, probability, problem framing and leadership. In the leadership class, we practiced how to provide constructive feedback for other persons and how to listen others actively. Basically, it is said that feedback will be fruitful as long as feedbackers follow SBI rule.
SBI stands for Situation, Behavior and Impact. This helps you avoid unintentionally criticizing others' personality or lacking objective evidences.

Also, I learned the basic of how to create a scenario. Well, it is just part of it and I now know is how to utilize assumptions based on SSH- Setting signpost, Shaping actions and Hedging actions. I should elaborate more on them but will prepare for my class next week so that I can be flexible in case the urgent business happens.



いま、自分のやるべきコトをカテゴライズして、それをどういう風に割り振るか考えつつ、日々をトラッキングしているものの、ほぼ勉強。これはあんまり良くないから、Social Eventとか、Privateとかに対して時間を割いていけるようにする必要あり。簡単なのは、もうすぐに予定を詰めてしまうことで、そうしようと思う。


しかしながら、毎日何かしらイベントがあるのは驚きだなー。こういっちゃいけないけど、New Havenみたいになにもない街にはあんまり期待してなかったものの、大学関連のイベントは本当に数多くあるし、生活する分には落ち着いてて楽しいのは嬉しい誤算。




Review of the 8th Day

I think my English speaking skill has progressed. Still I have difficulty finding the right words but now I can come up with different explanations without much confusion. I now know what I need to do for my English, so the next step is "just do it!"

Today I had only economics and accounting. Both are okay. As the professor at accounting has strong accent, it is not at all easy for me to understand what he says. Even the native speaker find it difficult to hear him so it take time to have better listening to what he explains.

As I spent too much time in each assignment, I am now ahead of the schedule. It is not easy to estimate how much time I need for each assignment but this is due to the lack of self-assessment in my ability. Since this is the best opportunity to access how competitive I am now, I will keep my first estimation and the actual time consumption.

Anyway, let's do reading assignment from now on.




そういえば、個人的に驚いたのは、もう間もなく、Class of 2017を目指して様々な米国のMBAを受ける候補者の方が、Yaleにキャンパスビジットに来るみたい。意識の高さに驚くなー。良い時期だから何より、と思いつつ、今朝は普通に寒くて、薄着の外出でひもじい思いをしたので、東海岸でNYなりDCなり訪問される方は、念のため秋~初冬の装いで行く方がいいかなと。



Review of the 7th Day

I need to come up with the better way I can manage my time. So far so good, but I feel that my current task management is not gonna work efficiently, or there will be much room to be improved in the future. For now, I have submitted the assignments in advance of the deadline, but I spent too much time on it, so I need to make clear time budget for each assignment. I will review my time usage on weekend and reflect on my week.


Review of the 6th Day

It was not a hard day today. I had only two classes, economics in the morning and accounting in the afternoon. It is good for me to review the concept of micro economics and accounting again. In fact, I almost forgot about accounting and it is very fresh for me to learn it. Well, this is not how it is supposed to be. Anyway, it is a good thing to enjoy learning something. 

Basically, there is no difference between what I learn here and what I learned in Japan but I think the pace of the class is much faster here. Also, the professors seem to encourage students to learn their classes efficiently, so they assign some homework to us. There is another difference. Say, prereading assignments. It is common to read the text book in advance of the classes and the classes are proceeded based on it, I mean, the professors take it for granted that we have read the relevant part of the books or materials in advance. That's why we have lots of things to do everyday- reading. 

For now, it's okay but let's see how it will go. I am so excited to start club activities sometime soon. 






Nothing special

A lot of things to be done. Most importantly, I need to recover from the fever soon. So far, the preparation for the classes is not that overwhelming but in a week or so, I believe, hard time will arrive at me. Good opportunity to stretch myself, I guess. Try!!







話は逸脱したから目的の話に戻すと、多くの人が目的を持ってきてる、感覚的には30前後以降の人は明確で、それに従って時間を振り分けてる感じ。まぁそれは当然。で、冒頭の驚いたキッカケの話。在校生(2年生)と話をしていたとき、彼は完全にネットワーキングと転職を視野に入れてて、それに沿って行動してた。極端で、授業の準備は一切せず、ただただ飲みまくり、イベントを企画しまくり遊んだと。まぁI should take him with a grain of saltだけど、自分にはその選択肢はとてもじゃないけど、できない。おおむね同じ環境にいる中で、こうにもアウトプットが異なるのか、ということが感覚的に理解できなかった。そして、そのとがりっぷりね。




Review of the 5th Day

So, I did not write about the review of the 4th day. I was drunk last night and totally forgot to write. This sometimes happens.

Anyway, it was off today so I went to Frank Pepe's Pizzeria on the other side of New Haven station from my apartment with my wife. In fact, Frank Pepe's Pezzeria was named best pizza in the U.S. and we were very excited to visit the place.

On the way to the restaurant, sort of a farmers market is held on every Saturday and we saw a lot of people purchasing the fresh food there. As the smell of baked bread was so nice, we had to pass by with a strong will!!Soon after we went though the area, we arrived at the restaurant 5 minutes before its open time and more people came in a couple of minutes.i think there were more than 10 people waiting for Pepe's to open. As the restaurant is popular, it became full in a short while after 11:00, open time.

I did not know but the restaurant calls the pizza pie. We ate two slices of pizza and the one with white cram was awesome. I thought the pie was very soft like usual Naples pizza, but it was very crispy like Senbei, Japanese candy.We really like the place, so will go back again soon.


Revoew of the 3rd Day

Everyday, I am extremely sleepy around 15:00. I cannot listen to English or speak even very basic English phrases or words. I guess switching my brain to English environment forces me to consume a lot of energy. I just listen to the class, communicate with my classmate and that's it. Nevertheless, I feel exhausted. I need more time to adjust myself to this environment.

Today's lectures were probability modeling, problem framing and leadership development. I will review the content tomorrow, perhaps.


Yale SOMのキャンパス

Yale SOM のキャンパスは今年の初めから?新しくなって、とてもキレイ。ただ、この建物には賛否両論がある。


  • 景観の不一致
  • 建築予算の多さ
    ここは詳しくはわからないものの、地域の一部の住民から、新しい建物を建設するために巨額の投資をするのではなく、地域に還元すべきだという声が出ているらしい。らしい、とはいったものの、一度だけ、登校時に学校の前で講義をしている女性を一人見かけた。ここはNew Havenという土地柄、Yaleがやっかまれることもあるようで、その一例なんだと思う。

実際に、Business Insidorは、“The 9 Best New University Buildings Around The World”の中で、

Yale SOMのキャンパスをTop 1に挙げてる。


Review of the 2nd Day

As I recovered from the fever, I concentrated on the class and also enjoyed the small talk with my classmates very much.

I had two classes- Economics and Accounting-today. As I have a background in finance, both of the classes are okay, for now. But I found difficulties in understanding what the professor of accounting was actually saying, because his accent was very strong. I would like to know how to follow him so that I will be able to join the class and say something.

Anyway, the Econ class was about microeconomics and the main topic for today was supply and demand. Very basic. As for the accounting class, it started with the concept and the role of accounting, I guess...

Tomorrow, I will submit my applications to some clubs I am very interested in and two assignments to two classes.





  • Honourの称号を得て卒業する
  • 学校のプロジェクトで賞を取る、またはインタビューを受ける
  • 親友を5人つくる(人数は様子を見て上方修正、親友の定義は別途)
  • 精神的、身体的にタフになる(定義については別途)
  • お世話になっている人たちに責任を果たす
  • Yale SOMへの日本人留学生をいまより増やす
  1. NYのエニアグラム学会の勉強会に参加する
  2. Case Competitionに参加する
  3. 1日一回授業の中で発言する
  4. NPO支援組織でインターンをする
  5. NPOに対するコンサルティングを行う
  6. 毎日英語のブログを書く(一言でもカウント)
  7. 家族を米国内の旅行に連れていく
  8. 週に3回運動をする
  9. 毎日最低10人に話しかける
  10. 英語でのプレゼンの機会を創る・引き受ける
  11. アメリカの組織でインターンをする
  12. 月に一回米国での活動や生活状況、現地情報について報告する
  13. Blogを通じて大学の情報を発信する
  14. 留学を目指す人のサポートを米国から実施する

Review of the 1st Day

Today, what have I learned?

Well, the class has just started today and I attended three classes. One is Probability Modeling, another is Career and the other is Problem Framing.

As I studied probability at the junior high and high school, I did not find the first class difficult at all. What was interesting to me was that the class was full of laughter. In Japan, it is usual for students to sleep during math or statistic class but here, it seems not true. This tendency seems true of other classes. This is because the professors or speakers try to engage students or listeners with themselves by giving interesting/ funny stories or actively asking questions. That's quite new to me and I like it.

Anyway, in terms of Career, I do not know what will happen. I am not sure if I will like the content as it is not what I need. For me to plan a career is something that I do not like to do and I think that is why I sort of observed the class.Actually, I like the idea of serendipity and would like to develop the skill, but in my first impression, the direction of the class looks far from it. Well, let's see.

Last. Problem Framing. I like this lecture and think it is very useful in that it is very practical and that it forces me to activate my brain. I would like to contribute to the class and team mates by providing edgy interesting ideas.

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