Yale(イェール)大学のSchool of Management(MBA)に留学中の、元無職人が綴る日常のあれこれ。NPOを含むSocialセクターがより大きなインパクトを社会に創出できるようになって欲しくて、米国ではNPO Management やSocial Entrepreneur を主に学ぶ予定。米国でNPOかSocial Ventureの立ち上げに関与できないか目論見中。2014年度フルブライト奨学生で2016年卒業予定。現在、月に一回のペースでメルマガ配信中(http://goo.gl/RgZePR)。
Review of the 24th Day
I am surprised how fast my son has been growing. He now can grab slowly-moving objects and follow our movements with his eyes. He is still two weeks old! I am surprised. Also he is physically growing too. Unfortunately, he seems to have inherited my traits, which means he will have a huge face- I think I should say head instead of the word face. Hope he will be smart... Anyway, it is good for us to see him grow every day and stay health. His crying is getting louder day by day and its frequency is also increasing. So he sometimes makes us nervous because we do not really know what to do to help him feel better, but at least I can say that as he is growing, we are also improving ourselves to be good parents. We will be with the little dude no matter what happens. So, I wish he would behave very well while I am changing his diaper....please.
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