Today, what have I learned?
Well, the class has just started today and I attended three classes. One is Probability Modeling, another is Career and the other is Problem Framing.
As I studied probability at the junior high and high school, I did not find the first class difficult at all. What was interesting to me was that the class was full of laughter. In Japan, it is usual for students to sleep during math or statistic class but here, it seems not true. This tendency seems true of other classes. This is because the professors or speakers try to engage students or listeners with themselves by giving interesting/ funny stories or actively asking questions. That's quite new to me and I like it.
Anyway, in terms of Career, I do not know what will happen. I am not sure if I will like the content as it is not what I need. For me to plan a career is something that I do not like to do and I think that is why I sort of observed the class.Actually, I like the idea of serendipity and would like to develop the skill, but in my first impression, the direction of the class looks far from it. Well, let's see.
Last. Problem Framing. I like this lecture and think it is very useful in that it is very practical and that it forces me to activate my brain. I would like to contribute to the class and team mates by providing edgy interesting ideas.
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